Future Challenge Spoken by the Past – Lessons Learnt from the 2010 and 2012 Elections for the Upcoming Elections

Published in PUBLICATION
Tuesday, 21 August 2018 15:01

Future Challenge Spoken by the Past – Lessons Learnt from the 2010 and 2012 Elections for the Upcoming Elections

It is very important for political parties and candidates to understand about the targeted constituencies, the day to day problems facing by the people there and how strong is the support for the party and popular and influential the candidate are in the target constituencies before they compete in an election. It is also vital that the parties and candidates study and learn from the past elections. In Myanmar, since there have been only two elections (2010 & 2012) after the ratification and promulgation of 2008 constitution, it is challenging to study and make conclusion about the situations regarding the previous elections. However, hoping to support the parties and candidates that are going to compete in 2015 general election, this report is published compiling the studies and analysis of the previous two elections.


Read 2236 times Last modified on Monday, 16 May 2022 19:24


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The Institute was founded in August 2013 in accordance with the resolution of representatives of ethnic organisations and civil society organizations (CSOs) in December 2012 in Chiangmai.

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