This Matter to Us: Informal Local Governance Case Studies in Myanmar’s Rural Area

Published in PUBLICATION
Wednesday, 23 May 2018 14:44

This Matters To Us: Informal Local Governance Case Studies in Myanmar’s Rural Areas

In federal states, the role of local governments, also known as the third-tier governments, is very important since it being the closet to the public. While Myanmar is heading to establishing a union based on democratic and federal principles and the third-tire government still very weak or non-existence, there are civil society organizations that are functioning as local government bodies and trying to fill in the gaps and provide services to the public. In this paper, the role and function of informal local governance in Myanmar are discussed while referring to the field study in four states.


English Version


Burmese Version

Read 2825 times Last modified on Monday, 16 May 2022 19:13


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The Institute was founded in August 2013 in accordance with the resolution of representatives of ethnic organisations and civil society organizations (CSOs) in December 2012 in Chiangmai.

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