To Hopeland and Back # 33

Written by Tuesday, 31 October 2017 00:30
Published in OPINION

However, this time, I had gone there while I was still under the influence of fever accompanied by persistent coughs. Which prevented me from seeking as much knowledge and as many people as I wanted to.

Learning to share: Some book learning

Written by Wednesday, 18 October 2017 16:53
Published in OPINION

This is the second book written by Sao Sanda (a scion of the Yawnghwe Princely House) in 9 years. The first one is The Moon Princess: Memories of the Shan States (2008).

To Hopeland and Back: The 32nd trip

Written by Wednesday, 27 September 2017 00:42
Published in OPINION

My trip this time had two purposes:

  • I haven’t been there for over 3 months now and I need to update myself with what’s happening there
  • On 25 August, a terrible—some will say brilliant—coordinated multiple attack took place in Rakhine. Knowing how the Tatmadaw tends to react to this kind of onslaughts — especially along the border areas, where whatever happens cannot be completely screened off from the neighboring countries — I wanted to know how it would affect the ongoing peace process.

Learning to Share: The PPST Strategic Meeting

Written by Saturday, 16 September 2017 00:49
Published in OPINION

On 4-7 September, Col Htoo Htoo Lay, Advisor to the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), the 8 person leading body of the 8 EAOs that signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in 2015, met to finalize its peace strategy before meeting the government’s National Reconciliation and Peace Center/Peace Commission (NRPC/PC) to work out a concerted plan for the next Union Peace Conference 21st Century Panglong (UPC 21CP).

Learning to share: Another story for our time

Written by Tuesday, 08 August 2017 02:58
Published in OPINION

Last week, there was a discussion on whether the Union constitution adopted in 2008—by questionable means―should be amended or rewritten.

Learning to share: Time for soul searching

Written by Tuesday, 25 July 2017 17:20
Published in OPINION

The following is a brief recap of what I have learned from different sources at different occasions during the period.

I have learned from them. And I hope you are going to, too, if you haven’t already have.

To Hopeland and Back: The 31st trip (23-29 May 2017)

Written by Tuesday, 13 June 2017 16:14
Published in OPINION

This time, as readers who keep track of the country will know, I was there for the Union Peace Conference #3, according to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, or the Union Peace Conference 21st Century Panglong (UPC 21CP) #2, according to the government in office.

To Hopeland and Back: The 30th trip (15-18 May 2017)

Written by Tuesday, 13 June 2017 13:32
Published in OPINION

The trip came about due to the Pyidaungsu Institute (PI) Yangon Office’s plan to launch its latest work,” English-Myanmar Glossary of Federalism Terms,” on 16 May.

Learning to share: The CSSU Annual Meeting (Day Three)

Written by Saturday, 27 May 2017 17:01
Published in OPINION

The morning session begins with evaluation of the overall situation. Extracts:

  • Most of our people are uninformed of what’s really happening around them. Many of them therefore are easily won over by the other side.
  • According to the UNICEF report, Shan State is the lowest in literacy

Learning to share: The CSSU Annual Meeting (Day One & Two)

Written by Saturday, 27 May 2017 16:55
Published in OPINION

It was an honor to attend, observe and advise the Annual meeting of the almost 4 year old Committee for Shan State Unity (CSSU), the association of 3 political parties, 2 armed resistance armies, and 6 CSOs, in Chiangmai.

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We are pleased to announce that the Mobile Application for “English – Myanmar Glossary of Federalism Terms” is AVAILABLE for Android Phone and Window computer. Please kindly get the download here: 

Android Windows



The Institute was founded in August 2013 in accordance with the resolution of representatives of ethnic organisations and civil society organizations (CSOs) in December 2012 in Chiangmai.

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